Magic of Hag Stones

hag stone sunrise

Folk legend says hag stones can be worn for protection. They are also called “fairy stones” and to peer through the hole is to see into a different world. Natural objects, especially the beguiling ones (just how did that hole get there?) are like this, plain in their mystery.

I’ve found the practice holding a stone smoothed by waves and carved by hungry bivalves (touched by great, inhuman forces) is a protection in itself. The narrowing focus of looking through such a stone opens worlds in the mind, of imagination and serenity of focus.

I like to treat these stones the way precious stones are treated, and wear them with fine silver, silk, and gemstones. Appreciate their varying textures and spontaneous, ancient, irregular shapes. Picking a stone up from the shore feels like snatching it for a moment out of it’s erosion time stream. It will still be stone long after I am no longer a person, but eventually we’ll all be rejoined and indiscriminate from the Earth.


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