Cyclical Growth

wind and water patterns Atelier Arachne

Wind leaves sand paintings, a loose sculpture on all it touches. Water and waves leave much the same patterns, patterns that reveal, and inspire intrigue in the natural world. Even after the stones are finely ground, particles mixed together and identity all but lost, the forces acting upon them are ceaseless. They are ever-shifting.

These spontaneous, organic, patterns of wind and water can be interrupted by the crawling, running prints of creatures— all the growing, eroded, cyclical patterns in nature and time inspire a question of our place in those patterns and patterns we create.

The atelier is deeply inspired by these patterns and incorporate them into the textures and materials of our jewelry pieces: hammered metals, Fibonacci ratios, natural stones and fossils… We don’t know what is in the future of Atelier Arachne, or our lives, but I can only imagine we will continue to shift and evolve, erode and regrow with the wind and water.


The Secret Language of Jewelry


Magic of Hag Stones